The class you have doesn’t determine your life

In first place, the social class you’re in doesn’t make you more or less it just determines how rich or poor you are not how you have to be treated because when you have a better social class the world would treat you with more respect, but if you have a lower social class the people would treat you like some piece of trash and that’s not right because if you’re poor or rich you have feelings, personality and thinking abilities because you’re human like everyone is.
By this affirmation you can see that if you’re poor or rich you should be treated the same way and treat others as you’ll like to be treated.

But about the life you have, there is some things you might think and make stereotypes about you like if you’re royal you have a fairytale life or if you’re poor you have the roughest life ever, but it isn’t like that let’s put in comparison a member of the royal family, a member of the cast of a movie, a singer, a medium class person and a poor person. Which life is the roughest? You might think the poor one but there is no such a thing because every person I named in the list has a complexity in their life because there’s ups and downs let’s take for an example a person in the royal family had a really tough life because she had a lot of pressure of the public eye and she had a husband that didn’t love her as much as she did. An actress has similar problems some have tried to kill themselves and as the royalty has the public eye on them. Likewise the singers have the same problems. A medium class person does not have the public eye on them he/she might have financial problems or maybe a cyberbullying problem like every other person in the planet. Poor people just have to see how to survive cause they have to see how to find some food.

Otherwise, the social class does not determine how you should be treated everybody has to be treated with respect having money or not, the people have no right to treat lower classes in a not respectful way, also the people  have no right to treat people with more social class in a not respectful way because they are jealous or simply because they treat them that way they don’t have to treat the others with the resentment that you have. But sometimes people have to be treated with more respect that’s ok since everyone treated them with respect. Like royals have to be treated with more respect that’s completely ok because they have a reason, but they do community service and social work, that might be the reason they are treated with such respect. I’m not against that I’m just against the people that think they are more than others because of the money. Like some of the singers or actresses or actors that think they are the best of the best because of money, it also happens in the life of a middle class person because there’s people that just think they are better because of their possessions.

On the other hand the people of the whole social class have to be thankful. Because there’s no such thing as the life without complexity or a perfect life you can ask anyone in the world how has your life been and l am sure that everyone will tell you that they have had rough times but they have had wonderful times. Each life has its complexities but you have to be thankful for whatever life has brought you because there’s always a cause for things to happen and it’s planed for you so make a good thing with every situation that you’re in. I’ll give you some examples of thankfulness, the royal family has been thought over the decades that when they open a gift as good or as bad they always have to take them with a smile and a thank you, l think that is very nice because they think that somebody thought about them a bought them something they thought they would enjoy.
Likewise, everybody has heard somebody complain about the things they don’t have and they just stay in the mood of my friend can go to the cinema and I cannot go, I wish my parents would let me go, or my friend has this phone and I do not. These are all examples that people might say even I have said it once, but then I understood that if you want things to change you have to embrace the life you have and where you came from. Because, "life never gets easier, you just get better, because without the dark you would never see the stars"

In conclusion, the social class does not determine the life you have or how you will enjoy it. Just be thankful for what you have. “Happiness comes when we stop complaining about all the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have and” - anonymous. This is a quote that explains how the things should be. You shall be thankful for everything you have and the life you were given. So if you ever thought about comparing yourself to another person just don’t do it.
